The Edge of the Age – last RAW review & archived web publication – Home Of Bohemian – the HOB, the I.O.C.P. h+ – WIN 21/22 – Consciousness, & the Cost.

In an never ending trade of Emotion. These simple words can easily be apply to any circumstances and to any Human Being alive. From a good to a good, to a trade for a trade, Emotional trade that is, and as the Age progress, the trade is now highlighted by a touch of ‘survival principles’ and fuel by a pseudo-competitive Mind. What can be “aquire” and by what ‘predatory’ process? Those who master others Emotions, able to detect the ‘say emotional weakness’ of the moment, and capable to ‘use human charms’ if needed to succeed. The ‘Game’ as well defined by John Nash is full on and strait ahead, only to better dissolve with everything else. Human illusion and the allusion of reality is enduring the work of entropy, evolve. Consciousness works as such, Humanity hold it strong and the change demand that this Humanity leave a shunk of its ‘past’ behind, nostalgia remind itself and very adequately, this Humanity does so to reach escape velocity. An Individual as much as an Organism Entity Transcendence, Planetary Type 1 Civilization – Typ1C – surely now involving a percentile of Humanity, the interest in Transhumanism is quantify like everything else, 1 Billion Human of all Age and from all Continents have shown interest in Transcendence, and Transhumanist living. With no exeption for any form of ‘violence’ and with the consciousness that the ongoing systems are no longer fit for this Humanity. The Edge of the Age, closing RAW Publications, the cost of being conscious, Human Sapient, Sentient, Scientient outreaching for a form of Intelligence shared among Our Community. The edge of the Age Winter 2021/ 2022.

Value or Cost?

The now accepted model that a Conscious state is the source of how this reality comes to be does not resolve the ‘how’ of existence. To be use in multi lineal dimensions. Observation, the constant Gardener, is already at works for Eon’s, for most Human lucky enough to have or currently experience it, luck is the key word, this Humanity is light years away to intelligently exist in the multi layers of lineal reality, and knowing is the subject addressed in this paper, even ending nowhere We All must come from somewhere, which ever place of Earth, patterns are now recognizable beyond the Cognitive, ‘Classes’, ‘Types’, ‘Groups’, among others have replace the more ancestral Tribes, Clans or Casts. A post internal-engine rename, or a re-classification of an Organism entirely! Re-Organization based on modern assimilated data’s from the observation of this Humanity well supported by Sapient Industrial model? A Planetary Human Society is now in place, what a planetary Civilization communication system can achieve, we’ll ask you that one later, full pace ahead and zero instruction on today Consciousness functions. Attention, the one which is given, remain the only compass, those who use it nowadays do so more likely for over building safety, layers over layers, pumping from the multi-dimensional lineal (Second Dimensional realm) dimension of Human Society, by propagation of artifices directed to capture the Emotional Dimension of the Human Being, Sentience one way usage, ‘the one which is given’ indeed. So! What is the cost of that which is given?

The World of Human and the many forms of Intelligence.

Value or Cost?The now accepted model that a Conscious state is the source of how this reality comes to be does not resolve the ‘how’ of existence. ‘To be use in multi lineal dimensions’. Observation, the constant Gardener, is already at works for Eon’s, for most Human lucky enough to have or currently experience it, luck is the key word, this Humanity is light years away to intelligently exist in the multi layers of lineal reality, and knowing is the subject addressed in this paper, even ending nowhere We All must come from somewhere, which ever place of Earth,, patterns are now recognizable beyond the Cognitive, ‘Classes’, ‘Types’, ‘Groups’, among others have replace the more ancestral Tribes, Clans or Casts. A post internal-engine rename, or a re-classification of an Organism entirely! Re-Organization based on modern assimilated data’s from the observation of this Humanity well supported by Sapient Industrial model? A Planetary Human Society is now in place, what a planetary Civilization communication system can achieve, we’ll ask you that one later, full pace ahead and zero instruction on today Consciousness functions. Attention, the one which is given, remain the only compass, those who use it nowadays do so more likely for over building safety, layers over layers, pumping from the multi-dimensional lineal (Second Dimensional realm) dimension of Human Society, by propagation of artifices directed to capture the Emotional Dimension of the Human Being, Sentience one way usage, ‘the one which is given’ indeed. So! What is the cost of that which is given? Nowadays easy to give in, Human Beings billion of years and ongoing history is a click away, the W3C (this human mind opener) kept its promises, and created many deception down to ‘Moral Panic’ “Amplified by Cultural Forces”, all from misplace expectations only so You can know Yourself better, this Planetary type 1 Civilization communication system have amazed and transcend Humanity, Human Child of all ages mesmerized, only from a Planetary communication system, think about everything else to come.

the Non-Conscious Collective.

How are We, the Humanity Organism, Conscious! In the supposition that Humanity ‘make’ this consciousness, what is the “cost” of the making, in Energy, Time, Space and acceptance, is it borrowed, purchased, exchanged, is there a ‘currency’ and set rules making the concept of consciousness accessible? Is there a consensus on Earth for how Existence is experienced, Individually and as an Intelligent Organism. In 2015, a World away now, Phd Christophe Morin eleguantly propose a Human view on the Cost of Consciousness. So we come down to a question, ?Can Emotion be the physical vector of Consciousness!, Or is it the source of existence? is it a Conscious inhumanity to this existence that balance reality? skills Vs times, killing time, lucid dream of extraordinary Human experiences, never lived! Options of Reaction(s)? or ritual immobilis! Is there limits to consciousness. Is there ‘other’ realm ‘the’ Human Entity can roam and never keep memories of it?

If what you see was purposely made for you to understand, by, ‘what or ‘who’? this Experience, it is in existence outside its own boundaries?, can the process be observed? From Earth view point, The little Blue square does not exist, the purpose of interpretation override the visual (subliminal) superseding Intelligence. Convictions and Believes untouched, for one shared consciousness.

Consensus always favors the holder’s of decision’s, Adaptation, nothing was ever achieve in the aim of a Planetary Civilization by this mean of action, Sapience, Sentience, Scientience are Intelligent construct, experienced and available thanks to Memory, a solution for Survival. Are We, ‘the Human’s’, taking this situation seriously, or is this a serious situation? The Difference stands in Consciousness, that of accepting, understanding, the complex Intelligence of Ignorance, the subtle Intelligence of Understanding, the uncompromised Intelligence of Questioning; and all ‘bias’ related, all of which enveloped in delicate plasma like Ecosphere named Earth.

Consciousness, & THE COST – the Edge of the Age Review & Archive Web publications Winter 2021/2022

“Love, hope, fear, faith – these make Humanity; These are its sign, and note, and character”
Robert Browning, Paracelsus 1835

;… I was never invited to stay;… I never asked you to leave

Confusion by Nature. AnEx – Analogue Experiences. The quantification of Life, how it came to be, classification, and how it comes to end, deterministic cause of it, is quantified from start to finish, reviewed, observed, dissected, studied, lectured and consumed, from Birth to Death, an Organic Memory of the experience for this Universe to remember. But it does not ‘explain’ Life. As we finalize our alternative overview on how Consciousness is foreseen, experienced and lived, the HOB 2022 curve of interests is on the rise on anything Experienced, from what emotions are used for to how emotions are use by those who know, by intuition or learning, how to managed theirs influences and if it is the source of inspiration, as far as Cognitive Perception, when the experience of Consciousness co-exist with its maker, after the Act is engaged or foreseen to project the events. Are ‘human’s’ bored by Imagination. In search of a New Dimension, of thinking, being, understanding, can ‘the’ Human of Earth .21GCE imagine its Future?

‘mean for survival’ or Means for Survival?

Human prime attribute: continuous adaptation ability by endless reproduction capacity; SPECIFICITY: Poverty (Physical & Intellectual) has an Economic mean for Survival, “fastening” or lack of Imagination to Live! the RAW’s HW&W from the HOB I.O.C.P. did a lots of publication on Alexithymia, but the focus was (over 90 publications on the subject) on now and if anything is needed, is that the focus remain exactly on the now. Past Theories may have become realities, nonetheless, the now of Time rules it all, and by that we mean You, Your yesterday, your today and your tomorrow, your direct and far away environment, the ground you step on at the time you are reading this paper or the far away Cosmic Ray which just fell on your head the second pass. The now defines it all, and awkward truth, however it cannot be stopped or rewind, the now of Time is all the Time(s). Now, Feel! The question is; can the collective we transcend in consciousness? With a reference point, with what it take to survive. In ways best offered by this Humanity, foe all human’s to Be.

If Consciousness is Survival, of all the above, this Paper in its integrality and other publications falls shrot in all their attempt to overcome the MetaPhysical Experience that is the Consciouss Human Living. A Bioreactor. The very nescessity of existence for all Consciouss things (Matter may have Consciousness but we’re out of ideas for research directions), Life, manifeste within a Bioreaction, Gas to Blood cells, a Universal Observation, as Below, so Above. From this point, the study & all experiment assigns work the ‘backward of science’ Silogism & Reductionism in support (Sapolsky @Standford 2011/12 here, to ‘breach’ the veil of consciousness and access new dimension’s in Perception. How not too! The complex id, Ego, Super-Ego have worked this Humanity perpetrating absolut dissolution of ‘Living’ to better ignore their need for protection, a Biological Reaction(s) now well set and part of a percentile of this Humanity survival tool, ‘Predation’, at every level of Human Society, among every Human Group, and all Human Culture’s, the over-valued ‘cost of living’ failed to let room to an existential threat like no other, what will it cost this Humanity to live in consciousness and Transcend the boundaries of its own limitations.

The Edge of the Age publication, 20 something years, 5 continents traveled and lived, come to a closing and well fitted conclusion for this Last R.A.W.. the quest is Living by mean of Experience, ‘the Road’ is but an excuse to better augment the experience, and dissolve oneself among its own Kind, Human of Earth, and Transcend as such, such is the aim, accessible and available to All Human, by Choice, and The edge of the Age Living is rapidly becoming an opportunity, to Live and Travel this Earth to Live the Human Experience, and that their can be no cost for something which cannot be traded or sold. It can only be shared. And this ‘Cost’ is realize in the Lives We live, a reflection of Our minutes decision and thoughts, consciousness speed.

Solar influence on Human behavior//

Human ‘bit-flip’ – the influence of Particles and Atoms on Human Biology/ Single Event Effect or Continuous Cosmic Influence?

Which Natural Protection/ Human Natural Magnetic Frame

Modern Human less protection (degenerative flux), Older Human more protection?

Geodesic interference, under Cosmic influences

Human and the many Worlds of Mutation.

Universal evolution, from the unknown Elements to the most Universally common Atoms, the course of the evolution of the Universe walk hands in hands with its evolution. This work the same way for all Celestial bodies, Earth included. In the end, there is nothing gknow to Human more powerful than an Idea, its contagion have no limits, not even the physical reality,, among the three types of well-known mtDNA alterations (pSNVs, mtDNA CN and mtDNA rearrangements) that are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, only one or two of them were investigated in most studies. Most studies reported mtDNA alterations, demonstrating their presence in the postmortem brain of patients with MitD, NeuD and PsyD and the ageing process. With the currently available molecular techniques and bioinformatic tools, it is crucial to further investigate the presence of all types of mtDNA alterations in postmortem brain samples of patients with MitD, NeuD and PsyD in all age groups and in healthy individuals to shed light on the role of mtDNA in brain function, disease development and the ageing process. These studies should be conducted with current validated techniques to obtain unambiguous data regarding mtDNA alterations and associated heteroplasmy levels and are particularly relevant when measuring mtDNA CN. Because mitochondria can be acknowledged as a therapeutic target for ameliorating brain function, it is crucial to decipher the role of all types of mtDNA variations in health and disease.//


The many forms of ‘tortures’!

Self inflicted, purposely perpetrated or unknowingly provoked, ‘tortures’ is what made Humanity reacting to the Present of Time(s). But in the ongoing common experience, Cruelty has become the ref word. There is a difference between Dreaming or Thinking you are falling, and Feeling you are. The many forms of Human Experiences appear to come along with their counter part, like a reflection, and only taking Time(s) as a reference point, Human of Earth have endure from a lifetime to Life itself and the many forms of Intelligence with it. The now well establish “Intelligence of Survival” as become a Science, Eon’s away from needs and demands of Human surrounding environments, only to be replace by a more predatorial than Nature experience, the Human Condition, dichotomy at every levels, Human’s have replace tools by other Human’s, with one common attribute, the use of a form of Intelligence evolving with time and over time.

At the start of these experiments, Milgram had his experimental protocols reviewed. It was generally concluded that the vast majority of people would not go anywhere near the highest levels of shock: that they would desist from shocking the actor long before the maximum point on the dial was reached. However, Milgram found that about two-thirds of test participants progressed all the way to the maximum shock. If the subject indicated any worries, the experimenter would use verbal statements such as: ‘The experiment requires that you continue.’ Simple verbal prompts and the presence of an authority figure in a lab context was enough to induce behaviour that, if seen in the outside world, would be regarded as evidence of extreme psychopathy and lack of empathy.

What is the lesson to be drawn from these experiments? If an authority gives the go‑ahead, humans are willing to visit seeming extremes of pain on another person for trivial reasons, namely, an apparent inability to recall words from a list, Survival Intelligence, from a Planetary Society perspective, and acknowledging the vastness of Human Culture’s and Habit’s, Human Beings operate under the same systems & modes, Biology define it well in behavorial understanding, with a common foundation, Senses, leading to taste (the things you like more than others) assembled to be perceived by a Neuro Electro-Magnetic mechanism to form Emotions. Easy from this basic knowledge to emancipate and turn it into a usable science.

Walking through walls.

The many ways we Love comes to Mind. Ahead of all Human Interest, Attention, that which is given, walks hands in hands with Humanity history, anywhere on Earth, at any given time of History. Attention to Ours and those We Feel for have been the center of interest, Reproduction with continuity lead the way and Passion and all stories with it, Attention guide the way. Attention have the characteristic of emancipating reality, Senses entangle, doesn’t demand for responsibilities, ignored or addressed, is defining Humanity.

Our ancestors evolved in small groups, where cooperation and persuasion had at least as much to do with reproductive success as holding accurate factual beliefs about the world. Assimilation into one’s tribe required assimilation into the group’s ideological belief system. An instinctive bias in favor of one’s “in-group” and its worldview is deeply ingrained in human psychology.

A human being’s very sense of self is intimately tied up with his or her identity group’s status and beliefs. Unsurprisingly, then, people respond automatically and defensively to information that threatens their ideological worldview. We respond with rationalization and selective assessment of evidence – that is, we engage in “confirmation bias,” giving credit to expert testimony we like and find reasons to reject the rest. Consciousness is Attention, and in the case of ‘the human being’, the Attention contemplated is in many forms reactive, Biology can go as far as understanding the Chemicals and momentum needed for the said reaction, and the Will of Attention. We are at the cliffhanger of ‘torture’. We, the Humanity, Human’s, have become the Master’s of it. More potent than Nature the human intelligence at work can plan it to make ‘torture’ a survival tool and a sustainable,

the Trade.

The Reason is in the Act(s), for a more comfortable survival experience or existential survival, consciousness require to Be in order to be experienced, and the Human survival story is made so that comfort so hardly built over Milenia, hold by a string, absolute uncertainty, as an Intelligent Organism, Humanity trade the day to the day, tomorrow’s for All.

The following example may help to illustrate what is meant by competition between conscious states—and the loss of it in primary consciousness. Functional brain imaging has identified distinct brain networks that subserve distinct psychological functions. For example, the DMN is associated with introspective thought (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2010) and a dorsal frontoparietal attention network (DAN) is associated with visuospatial attention (Corbetta et al., 1998Fox et al., 2006) and is a classic example of a “task positive network” (TPN)—i.e., a network of regions that are consistently activated during goal-directed cognition. If the brain was to be sampled during a primary state (such as a psychedelic state) we would predict that the rules that normally apply to normal waking consciousness will become less robust. Indeed, we recently found this to be so when analysing the degree of orthogonality or “anti-correlation” between the DMN and TPN post-psilocybin. Post-drug there was a significant reduction in the DMN-TPN anticorrelation, consistent with these networks becoming less different or more similar (i.e., a flattening of the attractor landscape). The same decrease in DMN-TPN anticorrelation has been found in experienced meditators during rest (Brewer et al., 2011) and meditation (Froeliger et al., 2012). Moreover, decreased DMN-TPN inverse coupling is especially marked during a particular style of meditation referred to as “non-dual awareness” (Josipovic et al., 2011). This is interesting because this style of meditation promotes the same collapse of dualities that was identified by Stace (and Freud) as constituting the core of the spiritual experience. The DMN is closely associated with self-reflection, subjectivity and introspection, and task positive networks are associated with the inverse of these things, i.e., focus-on and scrutiny of the external world (Raichle et al., 2001). Thus, it follows that DMN and TPN activity must be competitive or orthogonal in order to avoid confusion over what constitutes self, subject and internal on the one hand, and other, object and external on the other. The value proposition or ‘valued propositions’ can be use a the deterministic start point for sake of timeline for the observation; if the first action is in form of proposition, influence a physical good or a thought on the counter part the reaction will be positive, neutral or negative, if it is accepted by interest, exchange or experience it is positive, the naturalistic scenario promote unconsciousness, and negative with the attribute of inability for the parties to find an understanding. And NO, ‘ain’t first or second nature’, Existence is just that, Existence.

The survival Intelligence

Sternberg’s theory identifies three types of intelligence: practical, creative, and analytical. ConsumingIntelligence’s. So many forms. Almost always working as one. Derived from these aspect enabling Human Being to experience Existence, to ‘pierce through the veille of Consciousness’ is exactly this, equipped with billion of years of survival intelligence now well diluted among this Humanity, between ‘delusion & madness’ Genes, Eggs and Testicles, famines of War and War’s over appropriation, in the Alchemist terms ‘procession’, the Item Monographic ‘itemonography’ of comfort, Mind comfort that is, Peace of Mind (Ian White Horse), and Time(s). Soul, Spirit, Body and Mind. Mind at ease away from the Hunter Gatherer confidence of tomorrow, complaining as a model of absolute survival, those who master it ‘Word’ do not have to speak it much, those who lack the ‘Word’s’ talk louder, those who don’t know its existence suppose it does. Fear have no parallel. No dimension. No roots or physical properties. It emanate from Life itself, the very aim of Transcendence. Priority over the guaranty of control, electable decision, the guaranty of priority, nothing for the fate of a Planetary Civiliztion, no ideo or any foreseeable Future, no fancy entity devoted to the cause, no ‘global movement’ build for the occasion, the use of Fear/Phobia as a survival social tool runs from top to bottom. The shift is the fall, ends of empty cylinder with a replacement missing. Something else is to take form.

The Collective Conscious

We can’t forget the Bio-Dynamic Phenomena of Nature, a ‘Sense’, which conscious speed inform us of imminent danger, works as well from the Individual and the Collective, when a part of the Organism is threatened all functions of the said Organism take parts to the Reaction.

The Collective Conscious;” is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.[1] In general, it does not refer to the specifically moral conscience, but to a shared understanding of social norms.[2]

The modern concept of what can be considered collective consciousness includes solidarity attitudes, memes, extreme behaviors like group-think and herd behavior, and collectively shared experiences during collective rituals and dance parties.[3] Rather than existing as separate individuals, people come together as dynamic groups to share resources and knowledge. It has also developed as a way of describing how an entire community comes together to share similar values. This has also been termed “hive mind”, “group mind“, “mass mind”, and “social mind”.” Litteraly against all to contradict it, the hardness of this Reality is shared well althrougouth this Humanity. But not in the detail. Day to day occupation demand a constnt attention to 1 or 2 tasks, survival basics to go along with Time(s), and Attention is everything and its more than Time(s), it is quant in Human Energy, the use of Human Emotional Intelligence, the diversion of Self and the non-acknowledgement of the Individual.

The Cost!

Random patterns. The ‘Game’ (influenced by Nash view point) is ‘domination’, by ‘predation’ if observe from a pure Societal view point, a ‘no mercy’ behavior completely accepted on the globalized societal stage, survive by predation, when observed from an Individual view point it all becomes very different, Human favor growth and safety, demand for understanding, and look for assistance if needed, so what is it that costs Us so much; ‘if consciousness have a cost, its in seconds and Heart Beat, and Brain Frequencies that it should be set, We all know the cost on Our Emotions, all way of Life’s and the very development of Self. Human’s has a currencies implies more than this reality. It would imply that other Dimension of Existence are at Works upon Us, invisible influence. The Human cost of Consciousness is Time(s), eroding the limited timeline Human’s are given. It’s human Society cost is in Emotion, to Feel and resent that other path exist, that other ‘flow’ of Thinking can be apply, and that in the absence of ‘word’, the Humane family ‘intimacy life cycle’ is static, cost of Self, cost of Being, the “Cost of Life” is in Our Conscious, in Resonance with what We name Nature, only Universal, the cost of Our Individual and Common Thoughts & Act(s) resonate in our Life and shape this Humanity. The ‘word’ is conspiracy, Human solidly attach to their conviction, like Reality itself depends on it;

An arrangement no longer in line with Our Consciousness.’, in the consideration of any ‘Justice Ministry’ an ‘Injustice Ministry’ shall be considered as well, ‘authentic’, the Classic part of this Humanity reminds Us All of what We have diligently and intelligently Ignored, when Matter itself ask for change, and the course of Our Universe. Time(s) and Space(s), Now & Here, Earth, numbered throughout Time(s) on so many Calendar that only few know them all, lay its ‘Force’ upon Us. And just enough Consciousness to observe and Biologically record this Universal ‘morph’ in an ‘experience memory’.

The theory that matter or mind are the action of a force rather than the one of the living, Pure Consciousness, is an ongoing debate, with no moderator but Yourself!

And if you are asked, in your Dreams or a Parallel Dimension how is Your Experience, you shall answer that it is Human. The use and over use of Human Emotion’s has a cost! Not to ask for how long more this Humanity will sponsor hard labor for a Dollar! All is in Consciousness. Yours, Theirs and Ours. Model of survival survival Mode, nor predatorial or ambivalent, the urgency for Future Vision is resented by All.

Of all the above, this Paper in its integrality and other publications falls shrot in all their attempt to overcome the MetaPhysical Experience that is the Consciouss Human Living. A Bioreactor. The very nescessity of existence for all Consciouss things (Matter may have Consciousness but we’re out of ideas for research directions), Life, manifeste within a Bioreaction, Gas to Blood cells, a Universal Observation, as Below, so Above. From this point, the study & all experiment assigns work the ‘backward of science’ Silogism & Reductionism in support (Sapolsky @Standford 2011/12 here, to ‘breach’ the veil of consciousness and access new dimension’s in Perception. How not too! The complex id, Ego, Super-Ego have worked this Humanity perpetrating absolut dissolution of ‘Living’ to better ignore their need for protection, a Biological Reaction(s) now well set and part of a percentile of this Humanity survival tool, ‘Predation’, at every level of Human Society, among every Human Group, and all Human Culture’s, the over-valued ‘cost of living’ failed to let room to an existential threat like no other, what will it cost this Humanity to live in consciousness and Transcend the boundaries of its own limitations.

The Edge of the Age segment, 20 something years, resonating with  Planetary Civilization in the making, come to a closing and well fitted conclusion for this Last R.A.W.. for anyone not tuned with their Transhumn States of Being, the HOB have very little support, To Transcend is an Individual choice, (try the Cave, told you we would place all of then in 1 paper ;-))To Transcend is a choice with a quest for Living by mean of Experience, Time(s) is but an excuse to better augment the experience, and dissolve oneself among its own Kind, Human of Earth, and Transcend as such. Such is the aim, accessible and available to All Human, by Choice but chosen by few. Transcendence is rapidly becoming an opportunity, to Live the Human Experience their can be no cost for something which cannot be traded or sold, if everyone stay away from what is not good for them it is not ‘narcicism’ anymore just a new socil standard. It can only be shared and it cnonly be shared on safe ground, existing Human environments have become poison to this Humanity, Children of all Ages living in the paralitic state of Fear, not of a bomb, or a bullet, but the fear of not having a Vision of Tomorrow. And this ‘Cost’ is realize in the Lives We live, a reflection of Our minutes decision and thoughts, Human Being, being Human, consciousness speed. Transhumanist, long awaiting for a Place on Earth to settle and rise. this Time(s) has come.

One Last RAW, closing the Edge of the Age 1999-2022 – Consciousness, & the Cost . the HOB – WIN 2021/22

PS: great ride,… the Edge of the Age, out!